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I have been able to focus on my art in a much different way than before, a level of focus and determination I haven't previously had, but in the moonlight blossomed above the soil like a flower in spring. I engage in a process of creation, not generation. Like creating a human life, it takes time, care, and love. Layer by layer I use my tiny brushes to brush away the sediment to reveal the crystal jewel beneath. Through this process, I have learned more about the nature of the things than I have ever learned in school... My greatest teacher, my greatest healer.

thank you for enjoying my creations. made by hands connected to hearts~


(click to view full painting, may take a moment to load)


Through the exploration of inner worlds, Mysterylias has worked as an archetypal archaeologist, uncovering visions with a tiny brush layer by layer. Characters that live and breathe in environments that bubble and toil... If you think you've seen everything, look again!



"Heartgate to Halcyon"

Under the light of the full moon I saw her. A goddess, taking up the entire night sky, stars adorning her like jewels, her face always obfuscated by the thin veils of clouds that passed by and glowed in the silver. It was as if her head was like looking at a hammerhead from below. That image haunted me for many years until now I am finally able to capture the experience in pigments.

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