Fine Artist
I have been able to focus on my art in a much different way than before, a level of focus and determination I haven't previously had, but in the moonlight blossomed above the soil like a flower in spring. I engage in a process of creation, not generation. Like creating a human life, it takes time, care, and love. Layer by layer I use my tiny brushes to brush away the sediment to reveal the crystal jewel beneath. Through this process, I have learned more about the nature of the things than I have ever learned in school... My greatest teacher, my greatest healer.
thank you for enjoying my creations. made by hands connected to hearts~
(click to view full painting, may take a moment to load)

Through the exploration of inner worlds, Mysterylias has worked as an archetypal archaeologist, uncovering visions with a tiny brush layer by layer. Characters that live and breathe in environments that bubble and toil... If you think you've seen everything, look again!